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Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Other Listening Apps In this episode, Branda and Melanie dive into four essential elements every business needs to thrive. From content planning to welcome sequences, they share personal anecdotes (including a hilarious email automation mishap!) and practical advice. They break down why these often-overlooked basics are crucial for success and […]

Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Other Listening Apps In this episode, Melanie is here for an encouraging webinar pep talk to boost your launch confidence. She serves up practical tips to calm those pre-launch jitters, conquer camera shyness, and transform your webinars into engaging events. With a dash of humor and plenty of real-world advice, […]

Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Other Listening Apps In this episode, Branda tackles the real struggles of email marketing head-on! Ever wondered why your email sales are flatlining, or why your list isn’t growing as fast as you’d like? Or maybe your welcome sequence isn’t converting as you hoped? Branda’s here to break down these […]

Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Other Listening Apps In the episode, Melanie and Branda dive into the nitty-gritty of product launches, tackling burning questions that keep entrepreneurs up at night. From newsletter strategies to crafting irresistible bonuses, they leave no stone unturned. The duo shares differing perspectives on launch strategies, sprinkled with real-world examples and […]

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