What to Hire For? – How to Hire A Contractor

What to Hire For? – How to Hire A Contractor

Your business is growing and you’ve decided you need help. You’re ready to learn how to hire a contractor! Great, amazing, fantastic! You sit down at your computer and go to draft up a job description. But … what do you put in it? Where do people apply? Or heck, once they are hired, how do you even onboard them so you’re both happy!?

This series of blog posts is going to take you through EACH step of the hiring process when you’re ready to hire a contractor. I’m going to walk you through how to make sure you’re hiring for the right job for your team, how to create a job application, the interview process, and onboarding your new hire with success! 

The first priority before you can even hire some help is to figure out exactly WHAT to hire for. Which tasks do you need help with? What do you actually LIKE to do in your business? What makes your skin crawl when you think about it? Maybe you are lit up with the thought of writing blogs, but the idea of scheduling social media makes you want to vomit.

hire a contractor

Conduct a time audit

The first thing I recommend you do is to take a time audit of your day-to-day. Pick an “average” work week and choose 3-5 days you’re going to focus on, then write down EVERYTHING you do during that time. From checking emails to scrolling Instagram to planning for your course launch. Next, assign a monetary value to each task – it doesn’t have to be specific – I like to use the “Yelp” $$$$ scale. $ tasks would be something like checking emails. $$$$ tasks would be something like creating your course. I’m sorry to say that looking at Instagram or Facebook gets no dollar signs unless you’re doing specific targeted market research (and writing notes).

Next, go through your list of all your tasks for those 3-5 days. Are any of them just ideas? Have you been “thinking” about creating a new stream of revenue for your business? Pull those out separately and label them as “ideas”.

hire a contractor

Decide on the job to hire

After that, go through your list and ask yourself the following questions as objectively as possible:

  • Which tasks are urgent? 
  • Which tasks can wait? 
  • What needs to be done this week? 
  • Are there tasks that can you delegate? 
  • What do I MOST like to do? 
  • What do I LEAST like to do? 

Then, start making notes about each task.

Based on your list, start to group items that you LEAST like to do and items you could delegate together into one list. THESE are the tasks you should hire for FIRST when looking to hire a contractor.

Six jobs edupreneurs can outsource

Here are six common jobs that a lot of educator business owners hire for when they’re first starting to outsource and hire:

  • Customer Support/Admin Virtual Assistant – they can handle tasks like responding to emails, calendar management, collaboration management, organization of Google Drive/project management tool, etc. 

  • Community/Facebook Manager – responsible for maintaining/moderating your Facebook Groups (paid or free),  scheduling your business Facebook page, and answering any questions on Facebook Messenger. 

  • Content Creator – this can take many forms in email or blog writing! Depending on your trust and comfort level – they can start from scratch, repurpose old content, create images to go along with blog posts, and research new content ideas. 

  • Social Media – this hire can be responsible for creating a content calendar, social media images, and captions. Depending on skill level & comfort, they can be charged with engagement, hashtag research, and strategy. 

  • SEO (search engine optimization) – this is a specialized skill that oftentimes educators will hire out for because it’s a little tricky! This can get more eyes on your TpT products, blog posts & resources. 

  • Graphic Design – not an eye for aesthetically pleasing graphics? That’s okay! A graphic designer can help you with ALL sorts of things – social media images, sales page images, product covers & previews, and more! 

A lot of times, educator business owners will try and outsource their resource creation too early (in my opinion). So, be sure you’re REALLY set in your brand (style, product lines, niche) before you begin to outsource this. You want to have REALLY solid standard operating procedures in place so your resources are cohesive! If you’re ready to start your SOPs for resource creation, grab a copy of my free template right here.

I hope this helped you know where to start with beginning to outsource and scale your business. If you’re ready to take the next step in planning your business, head to my contact page & book a call to discuss the best steps to take next for hiring in your business! Got just a quick question? Shoot me a message on Instagram! The DM doors are always open!

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  1. […] the hiring process. If you missed how to make sure you’re hiring for the right job for your team click right here. This post will walk through how to create a job application and all the important aspects to […]

  2. […] process, make sure you go back and take a look at the two prior posts covering how to determine WHAT you want to/need to hire for and HOW to put together a quality job application to get the exact candidates you want and […]

  3. […] before you begin the hiring process. Check out the earlier blog posts in the series about how to decide what to hire for, construct your job application, and conduct your […]

  4. […] I would then realize that I will need to give myself a day or two to write the job description, probably about a week to leave the application up, and another week to interview candidates. So, if I want a virtual assistant hired by the end of January, I need to start at the beginning of the month to get it all done! (P.S. – if you need help hiring a virtual assistant – I have a whole four-part blog post series about it, right here) […]


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